Explore Phillip Hernandez's captivating in-water surf photography with the Shaka Surf Bikes, featuring young, up-and-coming surfers in action. Discover dynamic images that capture the essence of these emerging talents riding the waves, showcasing their skills and passion for surfing.
Run up to the autumn season in Southern California, morning fog shrouds the coast line and doesn't let up. I'll make the most of any session--for Saba Surf Wax, that meant some seriously moody and dreamy surf photos.
Vivamus accumsan, est in maximus gravida, ipsum nulla rhoncus nunc, sed faucibus enim sapien in dui. In non fermentum nisi. Quisque placerat nisl sem, viverra bibendum nisi aliquam in. Donec ultricies, lectus vitae mattis convallis, nisl tortor placerat nulla, sed maximus lacus ipsum aliquam eros. Nulla fermentum ultricies leo nec tempor.
Fusce erat est, consequat et sem et, posuere commodo tellus. Fusce ut sem vel ex feugiat vehicula. Fusce accumsan nisi eu velit euismod tincidunt. Mauris posuere risus et elementum laoreet. Sed erat velit, aliquam eget rhoncus eget, tincidunt ut nisi.
A mechanical dive watch may not be your typical choice when it comes to timepieces or equipment in the water. Aiming to help change that perception with brands like Montoir, to showcase that often the classic choice is the right one.
Despite the hazy, gray skies, Phillip Hernandez captures a moody surf scene Shane. Overcast conditions converted into a creative advantage.
-Leica SL2s
-Aquatech housing
My main wetsuit top and companion from my last trip to Fiji. Strong desire to always stay well suited, thanks to Matuse.
Capturing the love and connection of my close friends during their engagement shoot was a true joy. We embraced the surf and the sea, highlighting their shared passion for the ocean.
-Leica Sl2-s
-Windansea, CA
Aenean malesuada mattis volutpat. Nunc molestie neque nec rutrum aliquet. Suspendisse tristique ornare ipsum eget placerat. Sed dignissim finibus ligula, vel porta nisl posuere vitae. Sed in facilisis quam, et ultrices metus. Cras ac imperdiet diam, vel gravida mi. Mauris molestie metus eu lorem lacinia blandit. Integer ut venenatis velit.
Phasellus a imperdiet turpis, nec varius orci. Phasellus rutrum sapien non lobortis efficitur. Aliquam sem libero, tempor vitae interdum non, malesuada sollicitudin nunc. Nam finibus est id tincidunt mollis. Morbi sagittis ultrices turpis, eget aliquam purus aliquet sit amet.
Integer facilisis tincidunt odio. Mauris hendrerit ac magna eu vestibulum. Pellentesque mollis eget dolor in tempus. Mauris iaculis vulputate magna, vel rhoncus leo feugiat non. Sed consequat, turpis sed vulputate sodales, magna tellus malesuada nulla, nec euismod sem orci et nulla.